Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Funnies

I have looked around to find a funny that would have everyone rolling.

In our house most of the time it is my 8 yr old. He comes up with some crazy off the wall things.

I am not sure where it comes from, since we are a TV free home. The kids on occasions get to play the PS2 or watch a movie.

When he was a baby he would imitate sounds, perfectly!

Recently the things he likes to say and I am sure I am missing many,

calling me; "Sweet lips","Babe","Big Mama".

Here are some of his lines..

Call him to come back, his response is "baby come back"

"How u do'in"

"You got it babe"

"scientist don't have to do school work and I am one"

"Hi I am Bob" not sure what this means.

I said "stupid", over something the other day, I hear "rated R language" from the other room.

He loves a reaction and loves to make his momma laugh.

Here is a picture of my comical keep me on my toes Pooh Bear.

To have more laughs hope on over to Kim's blog and visit all the links.


Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Oh I could write a whole post on the things my kids say! They are so funny aren't they?
Happy Friday my friend.

Mary said...

Adorable! Nothing like what comes out of the mouths of babes! I'm going to pay more attention to what my granddaughter says...she can be really funny at times.

Happy Funny Friday!

SophieMae said...

LOL, kids DO say the darndest things. Where do they come up with them?

Have a JESUS-filled day! ^i^

Kara said...

My 8 yr old is silly too. They're so funny!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

LOL! I love the things kids say! :D