For today August 11,2010
Outside my window…
The sun is shining, not a breeze to be noticed. Do hope that changes as the day progresses. The wonderful breeze makes the day so pleasant and enjoyable.
I am thinking…
evaluations and how to get them done. I had a plan and someone in line but I haven’t heard back from her. So now I need to call the other teacher I know and pray she has time and is willing to do them.
I am thankful…
i have a husband that can repair anything. I was in tears over the loss of my sewing machine. See my machine is not just a friend it is my therapy my get away clear my mind.
I am wearing…
a sundress
I am remembering…
yesterday’s event with the snake. Finding myself today, looking where I am walking. My oldest son (Tigger) went to pick up What he thought was trash. not knowing it was a snake. All heck broke loose in the house. Had to move a piano to get the snake. Then it took off down the hallway for the children’s bedrooms. The snake went into the linen closet. I thought oh good this will be easy now. Instead every time I used the big tongs to grab the silly thing it got away. Off down the hallway it went again. My thought if it gets there I will never find it. And I am not brave enough to be moving things to look under. So with #2 son (Piglet) using a long stick he helped hold it and keep it from the bedrooms. I was able to grab it, but of course it was with the shortest tongs. Really the short ones!!! Now I standing there holding a VERY ANGRY snake that is taking strikes at me. And I am holding it my the tail with short tongs, WONDERFUL! GOD PROTECT ME! This is not my thing! So now I can’t get to a door every time I move the snake takes a strike at me. I am yelling for a bag, 3rd son (Pooh Bear) brings a grocery bag. No,NO,No we want BIG BIG bag! Tigger comes to his mom’s rescue with a big black trash bag we place snake inside and Tigger throws trash bag and all into field next door. He said he didn’t stop to see what the snake did. Thing was wiggling really bad in the bag. So as the boys were helping their mom, Where was baby girl in all this commotion? Standing up on the highest counter she could find the bar! Even after snake was gone she was still unsure about coming down. With a hug and promise from mom that the snake is gone. she came down and went back to play.
I am creating…
This is the special quilt I have been working on, it is because my mom is a survivor of stage 3 almost 4 breast cancer. Wanted to help raise money for breast cancer research. due to all the mishaps with my machine it will not make it to the awareness banquet. So it is going to the lady it stood for my mom.
I am praying…
for God provision, protection and guidance as all our extra curricular activities start up here in the couple of weeks. I am also praise the work my he has blessed my husband with the last month.
From the kitchen…
We took a break from all the pork we have in the freezer for a few days. Had homemade pizza last night and it was so good.
Tonight I am thinking pork chops
I am hoping…
to be on top of school this year. Don’t want to fall to far behind.
From the learning rooms…
science SNAKE identification
Bible Reading
we are trying a new schedule seeing if we can be more productive.
I am hearing…
two boys outside playing. Still trying to figure out how they are getting out there every morning. They are able to go outside with out me hearing any door. (wish they they would do that during the day instead of slamming). One of the joys of country living they can go outside like they do.
Around the house…
I am sewing, the children and I are all working on laundry and ironing. Yesterday we cleaned our rooms. I went in to baby girls and worked with her. I need to go into the boys next they just aren’t getting to mom’s quality of clean.
A few plans for the rest of the week..
eye appointment for 3 of 4 children that failed at their physical. Not sure how 2 of them failed but we will follow up to be safe. The glasses that Pooh Bear was prescribed back in November is fixing his sight, PRIASE! He was the only one that passed at the physical. Finish up some sewing and possible clean the boys room. of course school work and music practice.
Here is a picture I would like to share..
To read more daybooks please visit Peggy at Simple Woman's Daybook.
Thank you for stopping by and being part of our family this week
Blessing to your family.