Wednesday, May 20, 2009

3 Days later

Here is what 3 days of rain looks like.
All my plants are happy
The garden is turning dark green in place of a light yellowy green
Nothing compares to Gods water

And yes it was raining as I took the pictures.
We are blessed that it does let up at times allowing the standing water to recede back.


Noel said...

our garden is doing MUCH better this year with all the rain.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about facebook and myspace. I can control the content on my blog and how much people know about me and my family. Facebook just had way too much out there. Stay safe!

forever folding laundry said...

Hi Tara,

What a great yard you have - it's enormous! Looks like a fun place to run around.

And to answer your questions, the fabric in the shirt I made is from Heather Bailey's Pop Garden and Tanya Whelan's Ava Rose. Thanks!!


Quiltbirdie said...

Hi Tara -

Thanks for visiting my blog. I've looked at Janomes before. They are very similar to Elnas from what I understand, but do cost less. I was just so lucky to get mine half-price because the store owner was retiring (at age 81!). One feature on the Elna I love is the lockstitch for the beginning or ending of a seam. I've used my machine daily since I bought it and I'm super happy with it.