Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I was thinking today about a comment a friend posted on Facebook. How so many are talking about Black Friday instead of Thanksgiving. Made me think.....and how I could careless. To race out there fight crowds for things I don't need.
What I have been thinking about and my heart is full of is all the things I have to be thankful for this year.

1. Jesus dying for me.
2. Children and husband that believe the same
3. Family that dropped and changed plans on a moments notice
4. Friends that stood by my side
5. My best friend that comes running every time I need her.
6. My best friend who holds my hand and my children's prays with us!
7. The cancer was found early
8. God providing insurance so that I was able to see the dr.
9. No chemo or Radiation
10. Church ladies that came to see me and the food and the prayers they poured out.
11. The church ladies that haven't forgotten my family since we left church.
12. My children which through everything had to help and be more in a care giver roll.
13. A husband that amazes me...when I am the most disappointed in him he does something that just wipes all that away.
14. I didn't have to worry about work while going through all this...I have a husband that works so I don't
15. Sisters even though far away stayed with me the whole way through
16. The MAYS so many of the families and students that let me know I was missed
17. The friends that came from Orlando to clean my house and brought food.
18. Flowers I received
19. Emily and Maureen for caring so much... Our families are linked together forever.
20. My husband for holding me and loving me.

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