Friday, April 15, 2022


Finally finished my first ever QAYG. This all of The Pioneer Woman's fabrics since I couldn't decide on one set.

After I cut all the circles and sewing them together in sandwich of two fabric circles and one batting I turned right side out. Pressed the edges. Took a square template and drew lines to sew the circles together on. (was not thinking of the edges, used a permeant marker. After washing quilt doesn't show as much. Considering embellishments like ribbon or lace as a trim to cover the black lines.)
I sewed 6 circles together and then sewed the edges down to form the window. Next sewed two 6 rows together. Sewed the center edges down. Made less bulk to deal with at the end.

This is the back side which I planned for all the patterns to be seen

The centers of front are the accents colors to The Pioneer Woman's pattern's

in process pic

two done front and below back

Love seeing all her patterns together

Finally Finished 8x10 perfect lap quilt to sit with next to fire place this fall.

My grandbaby decided she loved it as a play blanket.

I followed Jera Bandvig tutorial I am looking forward to using more of her patterns. 

This the original pattern I saw when I began following Jera Bandvig. 

Love comments let me know you were here

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