Sunday, April 3, 2022

Time passes…

How did I begin blogging with little, but now have adults? 
My oldest just graduated Paramedic school. Made Sargent in National Guard. Has 3 children and 4th on the way. Married for 5 years. 

Second born is graduating with B.M in music performance has been accepted to 6 graduate schools. Married to his high school sweetheart for 4 years.

Then my third, Junior in college working towards his civil engineering degree. Has a wonderful woman in his life that is also studying the same things as him. 

My baby, couldn’t be more proud of, at 18 she was totally independent had her own place owned her car. Smart as whip when it comes to money and people. She is all I wished I had been more like.  Has a special man that is perfect for her. 

Last night was my sons Senior Recital big deal for music grads. It brought me to tears. Seeing my babies grow into adults and path their way in this world: raising them, all the thoughts, fears, planing, and prayers. Trying to teach them not just arithmetic and English, but Gods word, faith and promises. Commitment, dedication, ethics, self thinkers, self starters, confident people strong and not influenced by the world.

The biggest deal to me is that ALL four still come home and still call and still include me into their life. 

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